
Lasy jack

earning:稼ぎ、収入 sorts of: いくぶん muddle:混乱
ex)He's not used to earning a living, and he gets into all sorts of muddles.


ex)This old English story, collected by James Halliwell Orchard Phillips, is a good fire side yarn.
♪This yarn which the man talked were not amusing. If I was there, I slept at yarn without doubt.(without doubt:間違いなく)

ex)If you know the story of the Golden Goose, you might see some similaritise.
♪My hearts was calm to see goose family are cry on the river.

structure:構造 lad:青年、若者
ex)It has a nice repeating structure, and by the end of it, you will probably agree with Jack's mother, that he's not the cleverest of lads.
♪One of lads said "This house is very perfect structure."

Once upon a time:むかしむかし
ex)Once upon time there was a boy whose name was Jack.
♪Once upon a time, horses was as tall as foxs.

ex)They were very poor, and the old woman earned a fes pennies by spinning.
♪Now, in Japan, spinning factory farty.(farty:少ない)

ex)His mother could not make him do anything for her, and until at last she warned him that if he did not begin to work for his porridge, she would turn him out of the house to get his living as best he could.
♪The man surprised to see that poster warning " NO EAT PORRIDGE".

ex)He lived with his mother in a dreary cottage.
♫The girl is dreary, so she earn a few money by selling a match.

ex)Jack was so lazy that he would do nothing but bask in the sun in the hot weather, and sit by the corner of the fire in the winter time.
♫The flower bask the sun, it was be fine.

“ex)〜” is in context. "♫~"is sentence which I think myself.

Jack is so lazy.When he would do nothing, change the season!! I can't believe it. His mother is very hard.

I typed "♪My hearts was calm to see goose family are cry on the river." I look up 鳴く in the dictionary(英辞郎).


I suprised to see it. Why are there a lot of  words? I typed "goose cry". Is it correct? And I laughed to see"wark( チョコボ)!It is game's character, isn't it? I used to play the game when I was little. That took me back:)

I took to type it about four hours.

4 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

If you type a word and definitioin into your blog, please include the sentence in which you found it. For example, you did not include the sentence in which you found the word "yarn."

yuri さんのコメント...
yuri さんのコメント...

>kirk masden
sorry.I typed sentence. There sentence is long, and I understood word sentence. so I didn't type that. But I found that it is not study. When I typed word sentence, I found that. And I fun to think sentence myself. I'll do my best.

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

Thanks a lot. Actually, "yarn" is an old word. I would usually say "story."