
The Monkey Who Loved Chocolate

His mum won't buy him chocolate because she's too mean.
definition:CRUEL/cruel or not kind

prowl, cuddly
The prowling bears weren't at all cuddly.
definition:If an animal prowls, it moves around an area quietly, especially because it is hunting another animal.

definition: to hold someone or something very close to you with your arms around them.

bounced, grabbed
The chocolate bounced against the cage, but Theo reached out with his little hand through the bars and grabbed it.

definition:if a ball or other object bounces, or you bounce it, it immediately moves up or away from a surface after hitting it

definition:WITH YOUR HAND/ to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement

He started to lick it.
definition:TONGUE/ to move your tongue across the surface of something in order to eat it, wet it, clean it etc

He loved it. Obviously.
definition:used to mean that a fact can easily be noticed or understood

swing, mad
he was swinging from around the climbing frame of his cage like a mad mad monkey.

definition:MOVE FROM A FIXED POINT/ to make regular movements forwards and backwards or from one side to another while hanging from a particular point, or to make something do this:

definition:angry, crazy, uncontrolled

wore off
the chocolate high wore off.
definition: if pain or the effect of something wears off, it gradually stops(痛み、効果などが徐々に消えていく)

pining away
The keepers noteiced that he had gone off his bananas and they worried that he was pining away.
definition: to become less active, weaker and often ill, especially because you miss someone who has died or gone away

Don't tell fibs.
definition: a small unimportant lie

You're the greedy little monkey
definition: always wanting more food, money, power, possessions etc than you need

The woman who took the call told her to stop mucking around and wasting time or she would get a visit from a policeman.
definition: to behave in a silly(ばかな、愚かな) way, especially when you shold be working or paying attention to something

rush into , rush out
But then a gift shop rang to say that somebody had stolen several pounds of hand made beligium chocolates.
definition:MOVE QUICKLY/ to move very quickly, especially because you need to be somewhere very soon [= hurry]

a monkey was swinging over the shelves.
definition:SHELFの複数形: a long flat narrow (狭い)board attached to a wall(壁) or in a frame or cupboard, used for putting things on

This disaster could not have happened at a worse time.
1 a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering
2 something that is very bad or a failure, especially when this is very annoying or disappointing

They looked out and saw the bunny.
definition: a word for a rabbit, used especially by or to children

And that night Theo couldn't sleep because his conscience kept on telling him that the bunny was right.
definition: the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong

Easter Sunday
And it was a very special sunday because it was Easteer Sunday.
definition: a Christian holy day in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life


This story contains 1887 words.I enjoyed this story very much.
I loved this story and chocolate! I'm hungry now lol.
I think that my listening skill is better than before. I think because of this BLOG's audio, thank you.
And I'm able to understand MOVIE then before. So I'm happy.
But My reading skill is soso, my TOIEC was 445.
This score is almost listening. My reading skill's score is almost same then before.
I want to have higher score in the reading skill. How can I do? Please tell me.

1 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

Good job! In regard to your reading score, I think that it may take time but that the best way to improve is to just keep reading.