
Bertie Writes A Book

Here's the burb from the back cover.
definition:a short description giving information about a book, new product etc
Bertie exclusively reveals the events that led to his downfall.
definitnion: complete loss of your money, moral standards, social position etc, or the sudden failure of an organization
He’s dedicated it to his friend Tim the Tadpole.
definition: to say at the beginning of a book or film, or before a piece of music, that it has been written, made, or performed for someone that you love or respect
dedicate something to somebody )
Apparently it’s a jolly clever book - well that’s what Bertie told me anyhow.
definition:happy and enjoying yourself
Instead he hid under a stone - well it was more like a piece of grit really, because he is very small.
definition:very small pieces of stone or sand(砂)
he dived back into the pond with a minsicule little splash.
definition:extremely small [= minute]
‘Fwaaa”, said Colin the Carp, who’s a very grumpy(不機嫌な) fish.”Maybe he’s finally realised that he’s just a silly(ばか), insignificant little tadpole.
definition:too small or unimportant to consider or worry about [= trivial]
And then in a very small and very squeaky voice he started to explain.
definition: making very high noises that are not loud
“if Tim reads that, he’s sure to burst into tears again.”
definition:to move somewhere suddenly or quickly, especially into or out of a place
burst into/through/in etc
“That sounds good,” said Tim. “I’ve got lots of relatives.”
definition: a member of your family [= relation]
He spent long hours conptemplating the sky, lost in his thoughts, and thinking ever so hard.
definition: to think about something that you might do in the future

It contains 1247words.
I enjoyed this storynory. I think that I try to study English with Tim.
Tim is tadpole. He is a character of storynory.
He isn't good to read book. The same can be said for me.
And Natasha is kind to us. So I can listening and reading this storynory, easily.
When I listen to the audio of Natasha , I can understand this story more. I'm happy :)


The Monkey Who Loved Chocolate

His mum won't buy him chocolate because she's too mean.
definition:CRUEL/cruel or not kind

prowl, cuddly
The prowling bears weren't at all cuddly.
definition:If an animal prowls, it moves around an area quietly, especially because it is hunting another animal.

definition: to hold someone or something very close to you with your arms around them.

bounced, grabbed
The chocolate bounced against the cage, but Theo reached out with his little hand through the bars and grabbed it.

definition:if a ball or other object bounces, or you bounce it, it immediately moves up or away from a surface after hitting it

definition:WITH YOUR HAND/ to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement

He started to lick it.
definition:TONGUE/ to move your tongue across the surface of something in order to eat it, wet it, clean it etc

He loved it. Obviously.
definition:used to mean that a fact can easily be noticed or understood

swing, mad
he was swinging from around the climbing frame of his cage like a mad mad monkey.

definition:MOVE FROM A FIXED POINT/ to make regular movements forwards and backwards or from one side to another while hanging from a particular point, or to make something do this:

definition:angry, crazy, uncontrolled

wore off
the chocolate high wore off.
definition: if pain or the effect of something wears off, it gradually stops(痛み、効果などが徐々に消えていく)

pining away
The keepers noteiced that he had gone off his bananas and they worried that he was pining away.
definition: to become less active, weaker and often ill, especially because you miss someone who has died or gone away

Don't tell fibs.
definition: a small unimportant lie

You're the greedy little monkey
definition: always wanting more food, money, power, possessions etc than you need

The woman who took the call told her to stop mucking around and wasting time or she would get a visit from a policeman.
definition: to behave in a silly(ばかな、愚かな) way, especially when you shold be working or paying attention to something

rush into , rush out
But then a gift shop rang to say that somebody had stolen several pounds of hand made beligium chocolates.
definition:MOVE QUICKLY/ to move very quickly, especially because you need to be somewhere very soon [= hurry]

a monkey was swinging over the shelves.
definition:SHELFの複数形: a long flat narrow (狭い)board attached to a wall(壁) or in a frame or cupboard, used for putting things on

This disaster could not have happened at a worse time.
1 a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering
2 something that is very bad or a failure, especially when this is very annoying or disappointing

They looked out and saw the bunny.
definition: a word for a rabbit, used especially by or to children

And that night Theo couldn't sleep because his conscience kept on telling him that the bunny was right.
definition: the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong

Easter Sunday
And it was a very special sunday because it was Easteer Sunday.
definition: a Christian holy day in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life


This story contains 1887 words.I enjoyed this story very much.
I loved this story and chocolate! I'm hungry now lol.
I think that my listening skill is better than before. I think because of this BLOG's audio, thank you.
And I'm able to understand MOVIE then before. So I'm happy.
But My reading skill is soso, my TOIEC was 445.
This score is almost listening. My reading skill's score is almost same then before.
I want to have higher score in the reading skill. How can I do? Please tell me.


Bertie’s Christmas Storynory

context:Mr Frosty has been to visit, and the vegetable patch is white and glistening.
definition:a small area of ground for growing fruit or vegetables
context:"Not interested," said Colin, sho is a very grumpy fish who doesn't like anything much.
definition:bad-tempered and easily annoyed
leapt up
context:"Hold on there, little Tim," boomed Bertie as he leapt up onto a ledge.
definition:(JUMP) to jump high into the air or to jump in order to land in a different place
context:And he remembered how in the afternoon, when he had taken his nap, he would go out onto the Balcony of the Palace and make a Special Chtistmas Speech to all Crowds of peop;le who came to see him.
definition:(countable) a short sleep, especially during the day
context:"Argghhh," he croaked, "Eeeelllll,"yelped Tim.
definition: use to show you are disappointed, hurt, or annoyed
definition:an expression of sudden fear and surprise
definition:a short sharp high cry which a person or an animal makes because they are exited, in pain, surprised etc
context:she saw a little child or furry animal to whom she could give a present.
definition:corverd with fur or short threads
Mince pie
context:"Mince pies!" he grumped.
definition: a pie filled with mincemeat, especially one that people eat at Christmas
It contains 1051 words. I used tool英辞朗, LONGMAN.
I enjoyed this story.I like happy end storys.
So I happy that Bertie will be able to turned back into a prince and he can marry the lovely Princess Beatrice!
I like Beatrice because she is very kind woman. I want to become a kind woman like her.
And I happy that the Christmas are celebrate it every year on the pond.
I'm sure that Tim the Tadpole is very very enjoy the Christmas!


Can you tell the difference?

The real Amy was furious.
definition:very angry

Now the real Amy and the real Dabid are getting divorced.
definition:no longer married to your wife or husband

And now the real Dabid is engaged couple have never actually met in the real world.
definition:if two people are engaged, they have agreed to marry.

voted, incomparably
The British television viewers – who cannot tell the difference between a beautiful woman and a baby elephant – voted the incomparably lovely Ms Cherie Lunghi off Strictly Come Dancing.

definition:to show by marking a paper, raising your hand etc which person you want to elect or whether you support a particular plan.

definition:extremely good, beautiful etc, and much better than others

My dream are in ruins.
definition:to spoil or destroy something completely

Destroy means to damege something so badly that it no longer exists or people can no longer use it.
※If you ruin or spoil something, it still exists, but it has lost all its good qualities or features. Ruin is stronger than spoil.

It contains 662 words.
I thought it was terrible. This story is issue of modern society.
Now we can use the internet anywhere anytime, so this David and Amy cannot tell the difference of virtual world and real world.
There aren't mystake in the virtual world. If real person haven't job in the real world, he could have a good job in the virtual world.
We can act out different rule as much as we like. This is not real! I think that it's wasted life.
We have been through a lot, even terrible of events is something that we can learn from.
I believe that we have not the only success or otherwise.


Bertie and the Ghost

【1972 words】
context:It was Halloween, which as you know, is a spooking time of year when ghosts and goblins come out and play tricks on people.
definition:strange or frightening in a way that makes you think of GHOST

context:Tim the tadpole was feeling just a bit frightened about the whole idea of Halloween.
definition:a small creature that has a long tail, lives in water, and grow into a FROG or TOAD.

context:But Bertie didn’t shriek and shake with fright like like he was supposed to do.
definiton: to make a very high loud sound, especially because you are afraid, angry, excited, or in pain
context:I wanted to ask you- do ghosts really truly-wooly exist?
context:Tim begged Bertie was still a small prince and lived in the palace.
definition:to ask for something in an anxious or urgent way, because you want it very much
context:"Bertie I bet you are scared of ghosts."
I bet, I'll bet spoken
a) used to say that you are fairly sure that something is true, something is happening etc, although you cannot prove this:
b) used to show that you understand or can imagine the situation that someone has just told you about:
c) used to show that you do not believe what someone has just told you:
“Hey you heard this one? What do you call a witch who lives on the beach? A Sandwich of course. Ha Ha.”

“And how about this?,” went on the King. What do you get when you cross a black cat with a lemon?’
“I don’t know,” admitted Bertie
“A sour-puss ! HA! Oh dear. I can’t tell you how glad I am that you came to sleep hear tonight. I haven’t shared a good joke with anyone in centuries.”

context:Betie said that he was awfully sorry.
context:Betie was furious.
definition:very angry
This story contains 1972words.
I enjoyed this story. I liked it.
I have questions.
I can't understand the word "truly- wooly,sour -puss"
And I can't understand american joke. It's a little difficult for me.


Water? No! It's Wine! A Miracle!


context:They were called the disciples.
1.someone who believe in the ideas of a great teacher or leader, especially a religious one
2. one of the first 12 men to follow Christ

Cana of Galilee
context:Jesus and the disciples haad been invited to a wedding in Cana of Galilee.

definition:according to the Biblr, an ancient town inGALILEE where Jesus performed his first MIRACLE, in which he changed water into wine

definition: an area in northern Israel in which the main city is Nazaretg. It is best known from the New Testament of the Bible as the place where jesus lived and taught.

context:Everyone stopped dancing and groaned.
definition:to make a long deep sound because you are in pain, upset, or disappointed, or because something is very enjoyable

context:The servants did just as he said, they filled up the pots with water, and stood them in front of Jesus.
definition:someone, especially in the past, who was paid to clean someone's house, cook for them, answer the door etc, and who often lived in the house:

context:The man took a sip.
definition:a very small amount of a drink

It contains 345words.I understand this story.

God helps him. I can't believe it! I don't know Christian a very much. But I understood this story.


The Girl Who Missed Christmas

context:"It's so warm in bed,"Natalie would moan.
definition:to complain in an annoying way, especially in an unhappy voice and without good reason.

context:she had to rehearse for the school play-expect she nearly missed it because she didn't want to get out of bed.
definition: to practice or make people practise something such as a play or concert in order to prepare for a public performance.

context:she had to go and see Santa in the grotto
definition:a small attractive CAVE

pulled away
context:She pulled away the pillow and looked towards the window.
definition:to use force to take something from the place where it is fixed or held

context:she granced around the room.
definition:to quickly look at someone or something

context:Marmalade the dog was eating something that looked suspiciously like turkey leftovers.
definition:food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal

context:"It's not faaaaair"wailed Natalie.
definition: to say something in a loud, sad, and complaining way

trudging, sleigh
context:And at the moment, Santa was just trudging his way across the sky in his sleigh on his way back to Lapland.

definition:to walk with slow heavy steps, especially because you are tired or it is difficult to walk


definiton: a large open vehicle with no wheels that is used for travelling over snow and is pulled along by animals

context:Natalie rubbed her eyes, and then looked up
definition:to move your hand, or something such as a cloth, backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing firmly

context:And she gasped.
definition:to breath in suddenly in a way that can be heard, especially because you are surprised or in pain


context:"We've still got a few things left in the sack," he said.
definition: a large bag made of strong rough cloth or strong paper, used for strong or carryng flour, coal, vegetables etc.

rushed down
context:so he rushed down to kitchen.
definition:to move very quickly, especially because you need to be somewhere very soon

It contains 1538words.
Alarm Clock is important! And Santa is very kind. Her family is nice of her.