
Bertie Writes A Book

Here's the burb from the back cover.
definition:a short description giving information about a book, new product etc
Bertie exclusively reveals the events that led to his downfall.
definitnion: complete loss of your money, moral standards, social position etc, or the sudden failure of an organization
He’s dedicated it to his friend Tim the Tadpole.
definition: to say at the beginning of a book or film, or before a piece of music, that it has been written, made, or performed for someone that you love or respect
dedicate something to somebody )
Apparently it’s a jolly clever book - well that’s what Bertie told me anyhow.
definition:happy and enjoying yourself
Instead he hid under a stone - well it was more like a piece of grit really, because he is very small.
definition:very small pieces of stone or sand(砂)
he dived back into the pond with a minsicule little splash.
definition:extremely small [= minute]
‘Fwaaa”, said Colin the Carp, who’s a very grumpy(不機嫌な) fish.”Maybe he’s finally realised that he’s just a silly(ばか), insignificant little tadpole.
definition:too small or unimportant to consider or worry about [= trivial]
And then in a very small and very squeaky voice he started to explain.
definition: making very high noises that are not loud
“if Tim reads that, he’s sure to burst into tears again.”
definition:to move somewhere suddenly or quickly, especially into or out of a place
burst into/through/in etc
“That sounds good,” said Tim. “I’ve got lots of relatives.”
definition: a member of your family [= relation]
He spent long hours conptemplating the sky, lost in his thoughts, and thinking ever so hard.
definition: to think about something that you might do in the future

It contains 1247words.
I enjoyed this storynory. I think that I try to study English with Tim.
Tim is tadpole. He is a character of storynory.
He isn't good to read book. The same can be said for me.
And Natasha is kind to us. So I can listening and reading this storynory, easily.
When I listen to the audio of Natasha , I can understand this story more. I'm happy :)

1 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

Good job!