

fairy tale (子供向けの)おとぎ話、(信じがたい)作り話

"Because Prince's are brave and fearless."said Bertie. "And some of us can even do double back-flips on our skate boards."

Now, there is a very famous fairry tale about a girl's wish that did come true, and I expect you know already that the story is called Cinderella, and it's time for me to tell it to you.

( だって、王子は勇敢で恐れ知らずよ)とベティは言った。(そしてスケートボードで後ろに宙返りが二回できるとさえ思う人もいるわ)


I am not sure to trancelate from English to Japanese.It's a little hard for me, but I am enjoying it.I try that as best I can.

6 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...
Kirk Masden さんのコメント...
Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

I think you are studying well. Keep it up. In regard to translation, please look at what I have written in my blog:


You wrote that you didn't understand the expression "backflip." If you go to YouTube and search for "backflip" you can see what a backflip is.

By the way, I erased a couple of my earlier comments about your post because I made some typing mistakes.

yuri さんのコメント...

>kirk masden
THank you.
I changed Blog's write way.
I saw YouTube."backflip"is cool.But I feel threatened. Many boy's did backflip. I can never do it..lol

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

I can't do a backflip either. On the other hand, maybe you could learn to do a backflip if you had a good teacher and you really wanted to do it.

yuri さんのコメント...

>kirk masden
thank you!
NO,I can't.If I could lean to do a backflip, I would not do a backflip.
I am not good teacher.

BUT You are good teacher!!