
Bertie’s Christmas Storynory

context:Mr Frosty has been to visit, and the vegetable patch is white and glistening.
definition:a small area of ground for growing fruit or vegetables
context:"Not interested," said Colin, sho is a very grumpy fish who doesn't like anything much.
definition:bad-tempered and easily annoyed
leapt up
context:"Hold on there, little Tim," boomed Bertie as he leapt up onto a ledge.
definition:(JUMP) to jump high into the air or to jump in order to land in a different place
context:And he remembered how in the afternoon, when he had taken his nap, he would go out onto the Balcony of the Palace and make a Special Chtistmas Speech to all Crowds of peop;le who came to see him.
definition:(countable) a short sleep, especially during the day
context:"Argghhh," he croaked, "Eeeelllll,"yelped Tim.
definition: use to show you are disappointed, hurt, or annoyed
definition:an expression of sudden fear and surprise
definition:a short sharp high cry which a person or an animal makes because they are exited, in pain, surprised etc
context:she saw a little child or furry animal to whom she could give a present.
definition:corverd with fur or short threads
Mince pie
context:"Mince pies!" he grumped.
definition: a pie filled with mincemeat, especially one that people eat at Christmas
It contains 1051 words. I used tool英辞朗, LONGMAN.
I enjoyed this story.I like happy end storys.
So I happy that Bertie will be able to turned back into a prince and he can marry the lovely Princess Beatrice!
I like Beatrice because she is very kind woman. I want to become a kind woman like her.
And I happy that the Christmas are celebrate it every year on the pond.
I'm sure that Tim the Tadpole is very very enjoy the Christmas!


Can you tell the difference?

The real Amy was furious.
definition:very angry

Now the real Amy and the real Dabid are getting divorced.
definition:no longer married to your wife or husband

And now the real Dabid is engaged couple have never actually met in the real world.
definition:if two people are engaged, they have agreed to marry.

voted, incomparably
The British television viewers – who cannot tell the difference between a beautiful woman and a baby elephant – voted the incomparably lovely Ms Cherie Lunghi off Strictly Come Dancing.

definition:to show by marking a paper, raising your hand etc which person you want to elect or whether you support a particular plan.

definition:extremely good, beautiful etc, and much better than others

My dream are in ruins.
definition:to spoil or destroy something completely

Destroy means to damege something so badly that it no longer exists or people can no longer use it.
※If you ruin or spoil something, it still exists, but it has lost all its good qualities or features. Ruin is stronger than spoil.

It contains 662 words.
I thought it was terrible. This story is issue of modern society.
Now we can use the internet anywhere anytime, so this David and Amy cannot tell the difference of virtual world and real world.
There aren't mystake in the virtual world. If real person haven't job in the real world, he could have a good job in the virtual world.
We can act out different rule as much as we like. This is not real! I think that it's wasted life.
We have been through a lot, even terrible of events is something that we can learn from.
I believe that we have not the only success or otherwise.