
The Billy Goats Gruff

The Billy Goats Gruff

billy goat, grass
context:Three billy goats, each with the same name(Gruff), are on the way up the hillside to eat grass and get fat.

Definition: an animal that has horns on top of its head and long hair under its chin, and can climb steep hills and rocks. Goats live wild in the mountains or are kept as farm animals.(chin:顎, steep:急勾配の場所)

billy goat
Definition: a male goat - used especialy by or to children (⇔nanny goat)

Definition: a very common plant with thin leaves that covers the ground in fields and gardens and is often eaten by animals

cascading, stream, troll, saucers, poker
context: On the way up was a bridge over a cascading stream they had to cross; and under the bridge lived a great ugly troll, with eyes as big as saucers, and a nose as long as poker.

Definition: to flow, fall, or hang down in large quantities

Definiton: small river- a natural flow of water that moves across the land and is narrower than a river

Definition: an imaginary creature in stories that looks like an ugly person

Definition: a small round plate that curves up at the edges that you put a cup on

1(uncountable) a card game that people usually play for money
2(countable) a metal stick used to move coal or wood in a fire to make burn better

trip, trap, trotted
context:"Trip, trap! trip, trap!"went the bridge as he trotted across.

Definiton:fall- to hit something with your foot by accident so that you fall or almost fall

2 clever trick- a clever trick that is used to catch someone or to make them do or say samething that did not intend to

3 Bad situation- an unpleasant or difficult situation that is difficult to escape from:

1 if a horse trots, its moves fairly quickly with each front leg moving at the same time as the opposaite back leg

2 if a person or animal trots, they run fairly slowly, taking short regular stes

context:"Who's thattripping over my bridge?" roared the troll.
1 to make a deep, very lud noise

2 to shout something in a deep powerful voice

context:"Now, I'm coming to gooble you up," said the troll.
Definition: to eat something very quckly, especialy in an impolite or GREEDY way

greedy: always wanting more food, money, power, possessions etc than you need

context: And I'll poke your eyeballs out at your ears
Definition:WITH A FINGER/STICK ETC to quickly push your finger or some other pointed object into something or someone

context:I've got besides two curling-stones
curling: a sport played on ice, in which players slide flat heavy stones towards marked place

context: And then he flew at the troll, and poked his eyes out with his horns, and crushed him to bits, body and bones, and tossed him out into the ravine and after that he went up to the hillside.
Definition: a deep narrow valley with steep sides
narrow: a narrow area of water between two pieces of land which connects two pieces of land which connects two larger areas of water
valley: an area of lower land between two lines of hills or mountains, usually with a river flowing through it
steep: a road, hill etc that is steep slopes at a high angle
snip, snap snout
context: Snip snap snout
Definition: to cut something by making quick cuts with scissors
Definition: to break with a sudden sharp noise, or to make something breake with a sudden sharp noise
Definition: the long nose of some kinds of animals, such as pigs

I took about four hours. I used tool 英辞郎and LONGMAN Dictionary .
I cannot understand the meaning of “TRIP, TRAP! TRIP, TRAP! TRIP, TRAP!” .
This storynory is good. I think that this Goats is clever.I like it.


The Elves and Shoemaker

The Elves and Shoemaker

context: The Elves and the Shoemaker
Definition: an imaginary creature like a small person with pointed ears and magical powers

context: He was astounded, and did not know what to make of it.
Definition: very suprised or shocked

context:he saw that they were so neatly made that there was not one bad stitch in them.
Definition: tidy and carefully arranged(tidy:こぎれいな),
American English spoken =very good, pleasant, or enjoyable

just as, intended, masterpiece
context: It just as if they were intended as a masterpiece.

just as
Definition: exactly at that moment

Definition: to have something in your mind as a plan or purpose

Definiton: a work of art , a piece of writing or music etc that is of very high quality or that is the best that a particular artist, writer etc has produced

stay up
context: But this time he said to his wife, "Let's stay up to-night to see who it is that lends us this helping hand?"
Definition: to not go to bed at the time you would normaly go to bed

hid, behind, hanging up
context: The woman liked the idea, and lighted a candle, and they hid themselves in a corner of the room, behind some clothes which were hanging up there, and watched.

Definition: past tence (hide), to deliberately put or keep something or someone in a place wherethey cannot easily be seen or found

Definition: at or towards the back of athing or person

hanging up
1. a feeling of worry or embarrassment about something that you have although there is no real reason to feel this way(embattassment:困惑),

2. to put something in a position so that the top part is fixed or supported, and the bottom part is free to move and does not touch the ground

sew, hammer, skillfully, turn away, astonishment
Context:They took all the work which was cut before them and began to stitch, and sew, and hammer so skillfully and so quickly with their little fingers that the shoemaker could not turn away his eyes for astonishment.

Definitiion: to use a needle and thread to make or repair clothes or to fasten something such as a button to them

Definition: a smal thin piece of steel, with a point at one end and a hole in the other, used for sewing

Definition: a long thin string of cotton, silk etc used to sew or weave cloth

Definition: a tool with a heavy metal part on a long handle, used for hitting nails into wood

turn away
Definition: to move your body so that you are looking in a diffrent direction

Definition: complete surprise(=amazement)
context: I will make them little shirts, and coats, and vests, and trousers, and knit both of them a pair of the cut-out work.
Definiton: a piece of clothing that covers the lower half of your body, with a separate part fitting over each leg
context:" Now we are boys so fine to see. Why should we longer cobblers be?"
Definiton:cooked fruit covered with a sweet bread-like mixture
old-fashioned someone who makes and repairs shoes
context:From that time one they came no more, but as long as the shoemaker lived all went with him, and all his business prospered.
Definition: If people or business prosper, they grow and develop in a successful way, especially by becoming rich or making a large profit
I took about four hours. I used tool,英辞郎, LONGMAN Dictionary .
This story is very lovely. I love it. First I can't recognize that this story is that famous storynory.
When I looked up "Elves and shoemaker" in the dictionary", I noticed.
I used to read this story I am a child. I believed that there are Elves! So I looked for Elves all round my house. Finally, I can't looked for them but I believed that. Child's heart is very miraclle and mistery :)